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Comcast rollout of TiVo box begins

SAN JOSE, Calif. - After more than two years of promises and delays, Comcast Corp. has finally begun the commercial rollout of its first cable set-top boxes that run TiVo's digital video recording technology.
As expected, New England is the first market to get the long-awaited Comcast-TiVo offering. The rollout started in the last few days, TiVo spokesman Whit Clay said in a statement Thursday.

He declined further comment.

The Comcast-TiVo deal was first announced in 2005 and is considered a key part of TiVo's future as it works to attract more customers and become profitable. TiVo pioneered the DVR and is the best known brand name but has struggled amid cheaper offerings by rivals, including Comcast.

Comcast, the nation's largest cable TV provider, has said it will continue to offer its basic DVR service; the TiVo-based offering will be a premium service. Pricing details were not immediately available.

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Hands-on With Comcast's TiVo-Enabled DVR video