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Broadcom Boosts Speed for DOCSIS®-based EoC Cable Architecture Solution to 1Gbps

Broadcom is now shipping its 1Gbps DOCSIS-based EoC cable architecture solution.

DOCSIS technology as part of a customized "final 100 meter" solution, Broadcom's  DOCSIS-based EoC cable architecture is a complete chipset and software solution that includes Coax Media Converter (CMC), DOCSIS 2.0 and 3.0 cable modem, and set-top box (STB) SoC solutions.

With added network capacity, the quality and consistency of high definition video conferencing will unquestionably see significant improvements. Broadcom’s DOCSIS-based EoC architecture is a complete software and hardware solution including Coax Media Converter, DOCSIS 2.0 and 3.0 cable modems and set-top box system-on-a-chip solutions.
"With top operator support in China, our DOCSIS-based EoC technology pushes the envelope in speed and network capacity to support demanding services like video chat,” said Dan Marotta, Broadcom’s Executive Vice President.

via Yahoo and tmcnet