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Submarine Cable Map

TeleGeography is proud to announce a new edition of its popular Submarine Cable Map. The 2008 edition includes information for over 120 submarine cable systems, including major systems that are in service as well as announced cable systems expected to join a reinvigorated cable market. All data contained in the map is drawn from our Global Bandwidth Research Service, our definitive guide to the supply, demand and pricing of international bandwidth.

Current and Future Systems

The main projection of the map depicts major submarine cable systems that are currently in service and those systems expected to enter service in 2008.

Major Landing Locations

The main projection also shows in detail major landing locations and the submarine cable systems connected at those stations.

Proposed Systems

Other proposed submarine cable systems that have been announced are also listed in the region they are expected to cover.

Submarine Cable Systems Work

Each component of a submarine cable system is described in a
schematic showing its purpose.

Cable Systems

A new figure compares the capacity of major submarine
cable systems currently in service.

Intra-European Cable List

A new figure lists the cable systems in operation in Europe
and the countries they connect.

Information Graphics and Lists

The map contains nine informative graphics that describe the state of the submarine cable market including a depiction of how capacity is used on the trans-Atlantic route.


Download a free wallpaper of the map's main projection for your desktop.

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