The GigaQAM IP uses CMTS-bypass technology to enable GigaQAM 3000 edgeQAMs to deliver any mix of traditional MPEG-2 video transport streams and IPTV, even within a single QAM channel.
Benefits of the GigaQAM IP include:
- Converts QAMs to IPTV or mixed MPEG2/IPTV for less than $6 per active multicast viewer
- One GigaQAM IP enables IPTV on up to 8 GigaQAMs (192 QAM channels)
- Eliminates the perceived TelcoTV technology edge
- Provides the same spectrum re-use savings as switched broadcast
- Allows the use of new (IP) video sources and destination platforms
- Uses standard DOCSIS® 1.1/2.0 cable modems at subscriber site
- Available, low-cost, standards-based
- Enables the use of commodity IP set top boxes
- Expands the available sources of hardware, codecs, conditional access, and middleware
- Compatible with existing headend infrastructure and services
- Supports a flexible migration path from MPEG-2 broadcast/narrowcast to IPTV multicast/unicast
- Combines VBR video and DOCSIS traffic in the same channel
- Reduces the need for complex, expensive grooming and statistical multiplexing equipment
- Supports linked MPEG/IP video enhancements in the same channel
Data Sheets:
IntroductionCable operators have a unique asset, when compared to their satellite and telco competitors—550+ megahertz of node-based, two-way-enabled plant. The transition to all-digital video transmission will enhance the value and utility of this investment: better quality picture, better bandwidth efficiency, and the ability to leverage the developments and economies of scale of modern “data” networking. Cable will have the advantage of an affordable, flexible, ubiquitous high-capacity channel to and from every home and every pair of eyes.
The cable industry has already made a massive investment in CATV plant upgrades over the last decade, so it is imperative that the conversion to all-digital incur minimal incremental cost, while remaining flexible enough to support the advanced services enabled by an all-digital, two-way plant. The RetroVue® System encompasses a suite of crucial components, comprising a high-density broadcast/switched-broadcast/narrowcast edgeQAM, a high ingestion rate video server, an ASI-to-Gigabit Ethernet IP streamer, a CMTS-bypass controller, and a controller/set-top application server.
How does RetroVue work?
GoBackTV’s suite of products supports the RetroVue service by enabling compact, affordable narrowcast video, as well as digital broadcast. The RetroVue service works by allocating each viewer his own, personal television channel, which means that he gets to watch what he wants, not what everyone else is watching. Besides jumping back to the start of the program, the viewer can jump forward, jump backward, pause, and return to the normal video broadcast. Also, by using the MyRetroVue™ interface on his set top, computer, or PDA, the subscriber can create play lists, manage channel bundles, specify advertising preferences, and access other time-shifted, on-demand applications, such as network PVR (nPVR), Video on Demand (VoD), and Television on Demand (ToD). In addition, the MSO can use the two-way interaction to enforce and augment Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Conditional Access policies.
Enabling technology
Figure 1 RetroVue System Diagram (Distributed Architecture)
Figure 1 illustrates the RetroVue system. GoBackTV-supplied elements include:
- GQ1000/2000/3000 GigaQAM® edgeQAM
- IP3000 GigaQAM IP CMTS-bypass controller
- SC3000 StreamCache™ high-ingestion-rate digital video server
- RS2000 RetroVue Application Server
- DVB-SIfter™ (DVB-SI parser), as needed for extracting program information from DVB-SI tables
- AG4404 ASI-to-GbE IP Streamer, as needed, for integration with legacy equipment.